Events & Activities at Walworth Memorial Library
The staff at Walworth Memorial Library enjoys providing family friendly events.
New programs are always being added.
Monday & Wednesday
10 am - 8 pm
Tuesday, Thursday,
Friday, & Saturday
10 am - 5 pm

Free Webinar: Container Gardens for Sun and Shade
Container gardens add color and seasonal interest to balconies, patios, decks, and even your front entrance. No matter where they’re placed, matching the plants to the available sunlight will help boost success. Gardening expert and author Melinda Myers will share container plant combinations for both sun-filled and shady locations. Plus, she’ll provide tips on the proper care to keep them looking good all season long. Register Below.

Free Webinar: Vertical Gardening
Save space, screen bad views, and create privacy by growing vertically. We’ll discuss fun, affordable, and attractive ways to use this gardening technique to incorporate flowers and edibles into your landscape and container gardens. Gardening expert and author Melinda Myers will share ways vertical gardening can help reduce energy use by shading air conditioners, walls, and outdoor seating. Register Below.

Free Webinar: Attracting Hummingbirds
Invite these beautiful pollinators to your landscape by growing a few of their favorite flowers. Add one or more feeders and don’t forget the water. Gardening expert and author Melinda Myers will cover a variety of hummingbird-favorite shrubs and flowers to include in your gardens and containers. Plus, we’ll discuss tips for filling, cleaning, and placing feeders in the landscape to support and keep them safe. Register Below.

Kid’s Spot! with Miss Ann
Wednesdays – 3:30pm – After school story and craft hour
Stories, crafts, snacks, friends, fun!! (4K-3rd grade)
Fridays – 10:30am – Little ones story hour
Stories, songs, snacks, crafts, friends, fun! (Preschool age)
Check out the kids Craft Corner for coloring/activity pages and crafts-to-go!
Monthly Adult /Teen crafts-to-go available by the front circulation desk, while supplies last!